Spatial anchoring

NLP secret

In addition to reading this article on spatial anchoring, may I suggest that you also read those other website pages that deal with anchoring: NLP anchoring and Explaining NLP anchors.

The reason people have problems is that they have too much time to think

Richard Bandler

Can’t get going?

Sometimes people have a notion that they want to make something happen in their lives but they just don’t seem to be able to manage it.  

Somehow they can’t get their project off the ground.

So many seem to sit around talking about it, going through the motions of planning but not actually taking the action that enables them to go through with their plans.

How often have you thought that you might like to learn a musical instrument or a new sport, perhaps train for a different career? 

Then you’ve read about it, mused about it, discussed it with family and friends, a couple of years go by, still nothing has happened and you begin to talk yourself out of it.

If you really want to do something, now is the time to take action.  

Time will pass anyway so you had just as well get on with it.

Don’t wait for the perfect time because I can assure you it will never come.

Spatial anchoring and Emma’s goals

This is the state of mind Emma was in when she consulted me.  

She had been attempting to write her first novel for a long time but never seriously tackled it.

I started the conversation by talking a little about goals and it was evident before very long at all that Emma had not previously set goals and neither had she considered planning her life in that way.

It was important that Emma thought about her goals and how she would turn them into her desired outcome.

Spatial anchoring and SMART objectives

I asked her to be specific.  For example, what sort of novel did she want to write?  

Was the plot in the present time? Or was it a historic novel?  

Or was it sci-fi? Or was it something entirely different?

Was this to be a novel for children, teenagers or adults.  

For what group or section of society was she aiming specifically?

Emma soon got the idea and, with gentle probing from me, she was able to get a clearer picture in her mind of what she wanted to achieve.

Next I wanted to know how she would measure her achievement.  

Would Emma, for example, consider that she had achieved her objective when she had written a novel length story to her satisfaction?

Or did she mean that she would have to draft and redraft, get an agent to accept her as a worthwhile client, and seek a reputable publisher? 

Perhaps Emma would not consider that she had succeeded unless she made it to the best seller charts.  

These were questions only she could answer but which needed to be addressed.

Thirdly, I wanted to know if the goal was attainable.  

Emma was English.  What was her general standard of writing like? 

Could she spell and punctuate soundly?  Could she tell a compelling story in a coherent way? 

Was she a published writer in any other respect (for example, had she written newspaper or magazine articles?)

Another important question that people sometimes fail to address is whether they need any further training before they attempt their main goal, so we talked about that too.

In the light of what we had discussed already, I then asked Emma if she felt her goal was realistic.  

I also wanted to know if she would find it rewarding (not necessarily in the financial sense).

Would Emma be able to fit in her writing with her other commitments of raising a family and working part-time?

How exactly would she do that?

Spatial anchoring and a well-formed outcome

Finally, we talked about setting a timetable for her writing. These are what we call the SMART objectives, only briefly explained here, for a well-formed outcome.

Spotlighting or spatial anchoring

Once all that was very clear in Emma’s mind and she had made suitable notes I showed her how to use spotlighting which is a type of spatial anchoring to assist her with her writing.

I asked her to recall a strong and positive memory that she knew would propel her into action and that she could see through her own eyes. 

She concentrated on the various modalities and sub modalities in turn and intensified her experience.

I had deliberately arranged this consultation in Emma’s home in the very room she intended to write, and I asked her at this stage to imagine a spotlight forming a circle on the floor, to step into that circle and recreate the motivational feeling.

Then I asked her to step out of it and we talked about something else for a moment to break state.  

Emma then repeated the exercise on two more occasions to strengthen the anchor.

Afterwards she fired the anchor to test it.  Now each time she goes into the room to write Emma starts the session by stepping into the circle, thus firing her anchor and incentivising herself.

Spatial anchoring and used of the time line

For the conclusion of this consultation, I utilised the timeline technique to underpin her goals and ensure, as far as possible, that they were realised to Emma’s satisfaction.

By this stage Emma had a well-formed goal in mind and I asked her to close her eyes and reinforce that by imagining what she would see once it was achieved. 

How would she feel?  What would she hear?  What might she taste and smell?  

Once again I got her to intensify that picture in her mind, see herself holding it and imagining the outcome.

Then Emma imagined her timeline stretching out into the future and seeing precisely where her goal lay. 

In her mind’s eye she attached a thread to her body at one end and to her goal at the other. 

Then Emma mentally walked along her time line until she reached the place where her goal was achieved and felt it slot into place.

At this stage I asked Emma to keep the thread in its place but to turn and walk back along her time line to the present but I said to her: 

You are to walk back along your time line to the present time but only as fast as your unconscious mind can make all the adjustments needed to take you easily to your desired goal.

When Emma indicated to me that she was back in the present moment, I asked her to look forward along her timeline and see her achieving her outcome.

I knew by the smile on her face that she could see it clearly and now was the time to bring her out of trance.

Below there is a list of further NLP techniques or secrets that you may wish to refer to:

  1. Anchors
  2. Anchors Explained
  3. Association and Dissociation
  4. Body Language Signs
  5. Body Language, How to read
  6. Building Rapport
  7. Embedded Commands
  8. Godiva Chocolate
  9. Modelling 
  10. Modelling Genius
  11. Modelling helped me
  12. NLP Language Patterns - Deletion
  13. NLP Language Patterns - Distortion
  14. NLP Language Patterns - Generalisations
  15. NLP Language Patterns - The Meta Model
  16. NLP Language Patterns - Towards and Away
  17. Pacing and Leading
  18. Perceptual positions
  19. Reframing
  20. Spatial anchoring
  21. States
  22. (Changing) States
  23. Sub modalities
  24. Swish Pattern
  25. Visualisation


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